Monday, 13 January 2020

How to Remove Mustard from a Carpet

Cleaning mustard carpet stains is a little more complicated than just wiping the stain with a paper towel. If this is what you did the last time and you can still notice where the stain was, then you need a more efficient way to deal with mustard carpet stains. Find it here…
Of course, calling a professional carpet cleaning company is the easiest way to get your carpet fantastic clean, but undoubtedly this isn’t the cheapest one. If you want to save money and restore the beauty of your carpet you should stick to these steps:
1) Don’t let the stain dry. If you’re lucky enough to have glycerine in your home, then there is no need to go to the store and buy any expensive carpet cleaner. Apply a good amount of glycerine on the stain and gently rub with your fingers.
2) Let it sit for half an hour. Sponge the mustard stain with lukewarm water to rinse.
3) Blot with a dry, clean cloth and allow the area to dry.
4) If you don’t have glycerine, we advise to make a cleaning solution of 1 part denatured alcohol to 3 parts liquid dish soap.
5) To remove the mustard from your carpet, you should apply the mixture on the stain and let it dry.
6) To rinse the carpet, you should use a sponge moistened with hot water.
7) Last, but not least, blot the affected area with paper towels.
Thus way, you can remove mustard from a carpet, but make sure that next time when you eat a sandwich with mustard you don’t do it over your carpet.

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